David Rivera

Full Stack Developer with experience in React, Redux, Flask, and SQL.

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Life-Long Coder

I started coding at the age of 12 on a TI-83 Calculator out of curiosity on what the program ("PRGM") button did. Later on I went to college to be a software developer but life pulled me away. Determined as ever, I'm back to develop software full time.



Machenist is a full-stack clone of Todoist, a task list management app, implented in near pixel perfect fashion.


Stakr is a full-stack clone of Trello. This app features the Drag and Drop react library.


Rare Places and Travel (RarePnT) is a full-stack clone of airbnb with a focus on finding uncommon tourist spots around the world.


Think google, but for college campus rooms. Search any room and find it instantly in high detail maps of the building.


Atlanta, GA